
Showing 1-30 of 185
Thesis or Dissertation
Perez V, Magali Molina. "El cuadro de mando integral y su incidencia en los procesos estratégicos de la empresa SEMAUTO molina de la ciudad de Latacunga, año 2013." Titulo De Ingeniera En Contabilidad Y Auditoria, Universidad Técnica de Ambato, 2015.
Journal Article
Velasco-Roldán, Nidya, Sara Torres-Castro, Mariana López-Ortega, César Alfredo González-González, and Martha Liliana Giraldo-Rodríguez. "Investigación social en envejecimiento y vejez: perspectiva del Instituto Nacional de Geriatría." Hitos Demograficos del Siglo XXI: Envejecimiento (2014).
Journal Article
Colchero, Arantxa M, Mariana Molina, and Carlos M Guerrero-Lopez. "After Mexico Implemented a Tax, Purchases of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Decreased and of Water Increased: Difference by Place of Residence, Household Composition, and Income Level." The Journal of Nutrition (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Camarena Rodriguez, Paola Adela. "Asociación entre los factores de abandono al Control Prenatal en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Marino Molina - Essalud – 2011." TESIS Para optar el Grado Académico de Magíster en Derecho con mención en Ciencias Penales, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos. Facultad De Derecho Y Ciencia Política. Unidad De Post-Grado , 2012.
Argueta, Otto, Sebastian Huhn, Sabine Kurtenbach, and Peter Peetz. Blocked Democracies in Central America. 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ibarra Zumba, Stefanny A, Jessica A Monar Molina, and Jauan G Macias Vera. "Estudios de factibilidad para una empresa de asesoría y capacitación enfocada a la información e implementación del marco juriíco laboral Ecutoriano a MIPYMES y Empleados de la Ciudad de Guayaquil." Título De Ingeniero, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, 2015.
Working Paper
Alfonso, Mariana. "Private spending on primary and secondary education in Peru." (2002).
Working Paper
Muzzi, Mariana. "UNICEF good practices in integrating birth registration into health systems(2000–2009)." UNICEF Working Papers (2010).
Working Paper
Alfonso, Mariana, and Dept. "Girls just want to have fun?: Sexuality, pregnancy, and motherhood among Bolivian teenagers." Inter-American Development Bank Working Papers (2008).
Working Paper
Alfonso, Mariana, Suzanne Duryea, and María V Rodriguez-Pombo. "Reproductive empowerment and quality of life." (2007).
Conference Paper
Alfonso, Mariana. "Girls just want to have fun? Sexual activity, pregnancy, and motherhood among Bolivian teenagers." LACEA-LAMES 2007. Bogota, Colombia, October 4-6, 2007.
Journal Article
Arandarenko, Mihail, Mariana Kotzeva, and Bianka Pauna. "Valuing human capital in Balkan transition countries." (2006).
Working Paper
Gasparini, Leonardo, Walter S Escudero , Mariana Marchionni , and Sergio Olivieri. "Understanding Quality of Life in Latin America and the Caribbean." Latin American Research Network IADB. CEDLAS (2007).
Journal Article
Corrochano-Fatule, Mariana, Adriana Tejerina-Ruggeroni, and Sarah Maria Vega-Sanchez. "What is happening with exclusive breastfeeding in Peru?." Journal of Human Lactation 28, no. 3 (2012): 415-415.
Julianto, Erlys B, Andi Utama, Marlinang D Siburian, Mariana B. D Intan, Nasrul Zubir, Ismail, and Arnelis. Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus in Minangkabau Ethnic Group of West Sumatera, Indonesia. 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Matéus Laverde, Angélica Mariana, and Laura Vanessa Quintana Reina. "Plan de negocios de la empresa Feeling Art." Trabajo de grado , Universidad EAN, 2013.
Journal Article
Alfonso, Mariana. "Private resources in educational finance and equality implications: evidence from Peru." Education and Social Inequality in the Global Culture (2008).
Journal Article
Gasparini, Leonardo, Guillermo Cruces, Leopoldo Tornarolli, and Mariana Marchionni. "A turning point? Recent developments on inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean." (2009).
Working Paper
Gasparini, Leonardo, Walter S Escudero, Mariana Marchionni , and Sergio Olivieri. "Income, Deprivation, and Perceptions in Latin America and the Caribbean: New Evidence from the Gallup World Poll." Latin American Research Network IDB (2008).
Thesis or Dissertation
Krueger, Mariana. "Examining the Diagnostic Performance of Vaginal, Self-Screening for High-Risk Human Papillomavirus in Port-au-Prince, Haiti." Master thesis, Duke Global Health Institute in the Graduate School of Duke University, 2013.
Journal Article
Correa, Paulo, Mariana Iootty, Rita Ramalho, Jorge Rodriguez-Meza, and Judy Yang. "How Firms in Eastern and Central Europe Fared through the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from 2008–2010." Financial Crisis Enterprise , no. 20 (2010).
Ortega, Mariana Lopez, and Javier Enrique Jimenez Bolon. Envejecimiento y dependencia. .
Conference Paper
Carrizo, Silvina, and Mariana Schweitzer. "Transporte y energia en el Norte Argentino. La gestion de proyectos en la Provincia del Chaco." Actas del XII Seminario Internacional RIIRed Iberoamericana de Investigadores sobre Globalizacion y Territorio (RII), Belo Horizonte. 2012.
Journal Article
Becerra-Gonzales, Victor, Natalia Chunga-Iturry, Carlos Palomino-Cruzado, Teddy Arévalo-Rodríguez, Juan Nivín-Huerta, Lucia Portocarrero-Ramírez, Pamela Carbajal-Urteaga, Brenda Tomís-Coronado, Mariana Caro-Vargas, Luis Astocaza-Miranda, Laura Torres-Bravo, Elena Carbajal-Lázaro, Adalberto Pinto-Arica, Melissa Moras-Rosado, María Munayco-Moreno, and César Gutiérrez. "Asociación entre el conocimiento de las mujeres peruanas acerca del VIH y sus actitudes frente a personas infectadas.." Revista peruana de epidemiología 16, no. 3 (2012): 01-08.
Journal Article
Belton, Ben, Imke Mariana J Asseldonk, and Shakuntala H Thilsted. "Faltering Fisheries and Ascendant Aquaculture: Implications for Food and Nutrition Security in Bangladesh." Food Policy (2014).
Working Paper
Marcos, Mariana. "Distribucion espacial de la Poblacion: Conceptos y Medidas." (2010).
Working Paper
Lippe, Jaclynn, Nancy D Brener, Tim McManus, Laura Kann, and Nancy Speicher. "Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2005: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Republic of Palau, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008).
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